Community Land Use Plan
Community Land Use Plan Committee

Vision Statement:
The purpose of our K’ai’bii’to’ Chapter Ordinance is to regulate and manage ideals and plans for our local Governance in addressing our Community Base Land Use Planning. This means to organize from C-B CLUP Manual in using our prime land set aside for local develop of infrastructures so to benefit our constituency at large. It is in a manner of planting a seed in preserving and enhancing our history of Dine culture and heritage. Our Land Use planning involves through use of our natural resources which we value and facilitate in benefiting our Community and future generations.
This amendable responsibility entails our principle guidance in teamwork by collaboration with resources available to give us guidance. With mutual appreciation and understanding in leading our Community members towards a positively directed growth. This is our belief to assist one another through unified local goverence leadership utilizing the best sources in preserving our values. It’s our desire to sustain virtuous choices in improving the future of electorate with upright qualities of self-assurance toward fruition in accomplishing our land usage foundation.
Mission Statement:
“It is to increase our individual quantity of life through social and human services including localized education, health, and economic development. Therefore, it is by gating credibly influence programs to facilitate in reducing our Community’s disorganization factors. And it is to bring about positive changes for our upcoming generations and future posterity. “
Plan & Purpose
The purpose of the K’ai’bii’to’ Community-Based Land Use Plan (C-B CLUP) is to present those interlocking issues which face our community into light. These principle identified shall be depicted hereto being referred to hereafter as “K’ai’bii’to’ C-B CLUP” issues. Upon recognition of these important Community-Based Land Use Plan information, our K’ai’bii’to’ Chapter would make improvement projects, and through our Community-Based Land Use Plan Ordinance.
This accepted Chapter’s Plan and Purpose is to be utilized in order to reach K’ai’bii’to’ Community’s goals and objectives in achieving our Community’s “Vision.” It is with our K’ai’bii’to C-B CLUP and Chapter’s collection of information from our Community members, federal, state, and local governments complied into this one Chapter document. And it is herby made into policy of C-B CLUP Ordinance. It’s our focus that K’ai’bii’to C-B CLUP provide plans for housing, coordination of infrastructure development, protection of open space, designation of commercial areas, and to prioritize the needed Community facility improvements.
Roles and Responsibilities
- Comply with 26 N.N.C. 2004 CLUP;Land Use Variations
- Develop and Revise CLUPC Plan of Operation
- Initiate/ prepare CLUP (original 5-year revisions)
- Approve the process for planning/ oversee planning activities (including but not limited to the development of master plan, ordinance, AFOG, emergence response plan, capital improvement project plan, comprehensive plan, and strategic plan.
- Ability to hire and supervise a Planner, Project Coordinator and/ or Assistant
- Provide land use planning advice and recommendation to chapter officals and administrators
- Initiate variations in land uses such as land withdrawals, eminent domain, right-of-ways
- Coordinate with Navajo Nation Addressing Authority to collect data
- Support Rural Addressing